Errors with vehicle table with sql

I am trying to set up my own server, and i have got round all the issues so far but this one i have been struggling with for neally 2 weeks now, i am trying to set up a garage & licence system with esx, and i keep getting the same error no matter what scripts i use, [ 390003] [ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM vehicles {=}”: Table ‘essentialmode.vehicles’ doesn’t exist
[ 391126] Error running call reference function for resource dmvschool: server.lua:53: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’)
any idea where im going wrong?
i am running all the sqls etc right and everything in the server.cfg is set up right to

have you the table create in your database ?

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No none of the scripts I’m using provide it in their sql’s that’s why i posted this in hoping that I’ve missed something :slight_smile:

normaly if your script using mysql they should provide a file *.sql somewhere

i got all of the sqls, but none of them provide the vehicles table when i run them

thats a link to a mod shop and bennys is it not? im after a garage i can save cars in, and the problem is with the missing vehicle table in my sql database, thanks anyway man

here is the SQL you need this one is in FR but you can modify it how you need but it provides the vehicle table you need

you my friend are brilliant! thank you!

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salut j’ai le même problème mise à part que c’est pour vendre les véhicules il me dit que la table vendre n’existe pas dans le garage :confused: je ne trouve pas cette commande… une idée peut-être?

hi I have the same problem except that it is to sell the vehicles he told me that the table sell does not exist in the garage: / I can not find this order … an idea maybe?

You have to install esx_vehicleshop if you want owned vehicles.

The police job requires this, didn’t stay in the ReadMe

esto como se hace? se copia y se importa ?