Error with ESX Server

I’m struggling to find a place that has an answer, I’m getting this error:

[ script:mysql-async] [ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM weashops {=}”: Table ‘eureka_fivem.weashops’ doesn’t exist
[ script:mysql-async] [ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM communityservice WHERE identifier = @identifier {@identifier=steam:11000011880b309}”: Table ‘eureka_fivem.communityservice’ doesn’t exist
[ script:mysql-async] [ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT is_dead FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier {@identifier=steam:11000011880b309}”: Table ‘eureka_fivem.users’ doesn’t exist
[ script:mysql-async] [ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT charid FROM user_lastcharacter WHERE steamid = ‘steam:11000011880b309’ {=}”: Table ‘eureka_fivem.user_lastcharacter’ doesn’t exist

I’m using kashacters + whenever I go to load in I get stuck on this screen:

The Database dosent exist or the connection is interrupted

So the database is working, there is only one mySQL table that is missing called “eureka_fivem_users” and I’m unable to find the location of it in the kashacters folder.

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