Error whith VRP_Garages

When I take a vehicle with the VRP_Garage and I go to the mobile to give the option to close the vehicle or open the trunk I get an error saying that there is no vehicle nearby, how can I fix it?

Thank you.

Look for the Sighmir github and in the vrp_garage readme you can find how to get it to work with the defaut vrp stuff. Just some events to add in the original vrp file. Good luck.

Yes and everything is added but it does not keep coming out that there is no own vehicle near

Yup trying to figure this out myself. vrp_garages is Causing this issue.

How are you?We don’t have fix it?

Not yet I have not fixed it I continue doing tests, if I get it I will put it here and if somebody gets it to do the same. Thanks.

The trunk is not that huge of a deal to me. I’m having the issue if someone via Lan disconnects I can’t store my car. This is a vrp_garage issue as it says no owned vehicles near you. So i’m only trying to get this to work. Otherwise when someone on Lan logs off we all on Lan have to relog.

I have this problem that you have to disconnect all I do not have it if they disconnect with the car outside it is deleted and it is already

I fixed my issue. If you are having the Lan issue I was then do this.

Download the Latest regular base vRP. Your gonna grab one file then copy a peace of code that’s all.

Grab from the main directory of vRP folder vRP.lua copy that to your vrp main directory then add “client/vRP.lua” to the files section of your _resource at the bottom. Then just copy this to your cfg folder base.lua.

– identify users only with steam or ros identifiers (solve same ip issue, recommended)
– if enabled, steam auth should be forced in the FiveM server config
cfg.ignore_ip_identifier = true

This will handle players via steam id rather than ip’s fixing the Lan issues :wink: ENJOY!

With the pleasure of greeting you,

I regret to inform you that you do not offer an understandable solution, but I appreciate the information, if possible formulate your solution well and share it with the team.
