Error using itembox

i have a problem with my coding and i’m getting stuck on it

function openCrate()
    exports['skillchecks']:startUntangleGame(50000, 5, function(success)
        if success then
            -- Generate loot based on the current difficulty level
            local loot = generateLoot(currentDifficulty)
            -- Add the loot to the player's inventory
            for _, item in pairs(loot) do
                if QBCore.Shared.Items[item.item] then
                    -- Trigger the client event to show the item box
                    TriggerClientEvent('qb-inventory:client:ItemBox', item.item, QBCore.Shared.Items[item.item], 'add')
                    -- Add a delay before adding the item to the inventory
                    Citizen.Wait(3000) -- Wait for 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)
                    -- Now add the item to the player's inventory
                    TriggerServerEvent('jomidar:bargheist:addItem', item.item, item.amount)
                    -- Log an error if the item does not exist
                    print("Item does not exist: " .. tostring(item.item))
            Jomidar.Functions.Notify("You Failed, Try again!", "error")

've encountered a problem with my coding and I’m stuck. When I try to use TriggerClientEvent('qb-inventory:client:ItemBox', item.item, QBCore.Shared.Items[item.item], 'add') , I keep getting a nil value. I can’t figure out why this is happening and have been struggling with it for about 3 hours. Can you help me debug this issue?

what i know so far is
i get the correct response from item.item from the statement above but if i use it there it sends back a nill value i checked if the item existed inside of the shared items folder and it did came back with a table and name

I don’t use qb core, so you’ll have to forgive my upcoming ignorance in one of my future posts, but do you know if


or just:


Is nil?

You can use print statements ABOVE the ‘trigger client event’ BEFORE sending the data over using your trigger…(just to validate you’re sending what you think you’re sending).

Also, can you show us the code snippet for (TriggerClientEvent?) on the client sided script?