Error: Running build tasks on resource webpack - it'll restart once completed. Could not start dependency webpack for resource chat

Hello. I get this error while starting server on Ubuntu 19:
Running build tasks on resource webpack - it’ll restart once completed.
Could not start dependency webpack for resource chat.
After this server download some packages and I can join server.
Screen from console with donwloaded packages:

Any idea how to fix it?
I use latest recommended artfacts and default cfx-server-data.

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I have the same problem and I don’t know how to fix it either

Nothing needs to be ‘fixed’ except you should stop deleting server cache every startup.

The same problem: things working as they should?

Yes, the server is accessible but it just can’t start “ressource chat” and so I get error messages in my console even though the server has just been installed.

I’m not the only one to have this problem, I think it potentially comes from the latest version of FiveM but no fix seen

There’s no problem at all. It clearly says “running build tasks, the resource will start once completed”, and at the end says “Started resource chat.”.

Also, in the screenshot, no error messages are shown.

What do you want to see fixed, when there is no problem at all?


I am looking for a problem where there is none then: D

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your speed

I don’t know, I think it is broken because I will wait almost 2 hours for it to work and nothing happens. I will type in “start chat” in the console and I get the same thing. “Running build tasks on resource chat - it’ll start once completed”

It says building resource webpack failed

I have the same problem and my chat is unable to start any fixes??

The ‘Problem’ isnt a problem , as stated by bubble , multiple times.
So lets go over this with a demonstration…

So stop deleting your cache if you dont need too & wait for the process to finish…

Hum, I need to see what’s happening then because my script never load…

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Its been 24 hours and hasn’t loaded.


Same for me, it ain’t working at all…

same I get
Running build tasks on resource chat - it’ll restart once completed.

And the chat also doesn’t work

See this never happens for me. Because I get a building webpack fail and a yarn error later down so it never actually fixes itself. If I were to repair the building webpack would this get my chat to start?

But mine is not starting

I haven’t deleted cache yet… i got this problem please give me solution

Mine is saying Building resource chat failed.
[ citizen-server-impl] Error data: yarn failed! what do I do?