Error GTA5_b2699.exe!sub_1412E71A8 (0x116) Legacy crash hash: six-uniform-missouri

Bumping. I always get this error and I need a fix other than reinstalling GTAV because that’s getting annoying.

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If you have GTA installed on another hard drive, uninstall it and reinstall it on your disk C. I did that and now its running perfectly!

After all this time, I have found a fix finally for this issue, other than the BS u see everywhere that doesn’t work, like re installing it. I switched my fivem launcher in the settings to beta instead of stable, and i turned off the UI lag fix option, and now I have played about 8 hours no crash so far, which is better then 3 months ago where I was crashing every 30 minutes. Let me know if it worked for you

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Where can i find the ui lag fix option?

is the first one in the “beta” settings

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