error and crash in my new gaming laptop


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Environment questions

GTA V version: latest
Up to date: everything is updated
**Legit or Pirate copy: legit **
Purchased where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic: from epic
Windows version: windows 11
Did you try to delete content_index.xml and try again? yes
System specifications: rtx 3060,ryzen 7 4800h, 16gb ram 3200mhz, btw the name of the laptop is ASUS Gaming ROG Strix G15 G513IM-HN008W
**CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash): (1.8 MB) (1.5 MB)

**logs/CitizenFX_log files:
CitizenFX_log_2023-06-19T204238.log (278.1 KB)
.dmp files/report IDs:

If you can’t start the game at all (i can)

GTA V folder screenshot:
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot:
Filepath to FiveM folder:
FiveM client folder screenshot:
Which antivirus/firewall software are you using? none
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? yes

Important parts

What is the issue you’re having?
my problem is that if i play using directx 10 in the game settings everything is ok, but if i switch to directx 11 i crash and pops up relative error saying d3dd11. i think that my pc dont suck at the level i cant even use directx 11 in gta low graphics. before you try to say to update windows or gpu driver o install clean everything or download again directx or typer sfc /scannow in cmd, i already tried EVERYTHING IM GOING CRAZY. please help me i cant continue like this. and please dont just say to use directx 10. i want to fix the problem so i can use directx 11 like every normal person

What are you trying to do?
fix the problem to not crash the game anymore in dx11

What have you tried already to fix the issue?
before you try to say to update windows or gpu driver o install clean everything or download again directx or typer sfc /scannow in cmd, i already tried EVERYTHING IM GOING CRAZY. please help me i cant continue like this. and please dont just say to use directx 10. i want to fix the problem so i can use directx 11 like every normal person
Error screenshot (if any):

What did you do to get this issue?
nothing, it just pops up randomly

What server did you get this issue on? Be specific and name some, ‘all of them’ by itself isn’t useful!
every server i join

Additional comments

it crash even if i lower my graphic to lowest
i have also deleted every type of graphics mod. in the crash file i posted i was still using graphics mod because i know they work just fine in directx10 and the problems arent the graphics mod because i already tried the directx11 without any type of graphics mod, and still same problem.
fivem error d3d11.dllDDI_ShaderReso.txt (179 Bytes)

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Have you tried deleting the d3d11.dll from your GTA5 directory?

[SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH] yes, and sadly nothing change. my pc still crash. i don’t really know how can i solve this. same thing on fortnite i crash in directx 11… i even brought my pc to my pc manufacturer repair and they said there was no problem and the pc was ok… a bit weird because its most likely to crash on every directx11/12 game i play. im 16yo and im tired of asking my family to take the pc to a repair shop because after what the asus repair said it was ok they’re not believing me anymore and they think the pc its ok. i bought this pc at christmas and it had this problem since the 1st day. i dont really know what to do anymore. can it be like my house power outlets im plugging that like don’t give much energy at the gpu while the laptop is charging? i dont know anything about power /outlet and things like that but i don’t really know what to do, i, really thinks its a hardware problem, but if it is… why the asus repair said that the pc is ok?

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