Eof expectet near end

I am making some codes and when i am going to put an end after the function it says:

this is the code:

i have checked the other topics about this but it dosent help

Hello, you have an extra end at the end :+1:,
Sincerely, Azeroth

ye i put that there beacuse i need to end the function, otherwise the rest of the functions wont work

Tries GetPlayerPed(-1) instead of PlayerPed(),
Sincerely, Azeroth

You also have a problem with the second line is entity instead of Enity,
Sincerely, Azeroth

now i have a error here, at the “end”

RegisterCommand(“id”, function()
TriggerEvent(“chatMessage”, “Kvicksund’s Kommun”, {255, 230, 0},GetPlayerFromServerId(indextogive))
end, false),
Sincerely, Azeroth

thanks now that is fixed.
now its back at the first rows again.
I need to somehow stop the function in order to make every other functions work.


You have one indentation too many.


Are you trying to add more functionality to onStartup()? If so, there’s no need for an end at that position. Do this:

function onStartup()
    local player_ped = PlayerPedId()
    SetPedMaxHealth(player_ped, 50)
    SetEntityHealth(player_ped, 50)
    SetWeaponDamageMultiplier(GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"), 0.5)
    SetPlayerCanDoDriveBy(player_ped, false)
    SetPedCanBeShotInVehicle(player_ped, false)
    CanKnockPedOffVehicle(player_ped, true)

    -- Continue any other code here, don't add another 'end' anywhere unless needed