Enlightened City is a semi-serious ECO based server running off of QB.

The server is in heavy development right now, but we are looking for supervisors and command members. If you want to be a supervisor or command member in any department join the discord and open a ticket.

We have a lot of criminal scripts when it comes to the illegal side of things.

When it comes to the normal Civilian side of things you can but and own businesses like a pet shop, cafe, gas station, mechanic shops, and much more! If you don’'t want to own a business you can always just work a job like trucking, being a train conductor, tow truck driver and much more!

When it comes to the criminal side of things you can own illegal businesses like chop shops, illegal gun factory’s, illegal mechanic shops and much more!

We are going to be gang friendly, so if gangs want custom stuff in they can open a ticket and request EUP or MLOs for their gang. When it comes to EUP they can make their own EUP and we will add it.

We will be launching with SASP we will aim towards making RP and pursuits fun for criminals. LEO will not be trigger happy and want to shoot you for selling drugs to the homeless man on the corner. Pursuits with LEO will have a PIT timer of 5-10 minutes so the civs can have fun in the pursuit and not get t-boned off the bat. SASP will be launching with 1 subdivision that being Gang Intelligence Unit.

We will be trying to launch with EMS. We are currently looking for a 01 for EMS so if you think you’re up for the position join the discord and open a ticket, and we can talk more there!

We will be launching with a fully functional DOJ team and DOJ scripts. Want to make a court case and sue SASP for shooting your poor cat who was stuck in a tree? Go to the city hall and file a lawsuit!

There will be a lot of hidden things in server like NPC to sell stolen goods from, sell stolen weapons to NPCs, NPC that will sell a tablet for boosting cars, and NPC to sell stolen car parts too, an NPC to sell panties too (the creep), and much more!

If you want to join the community join the discord link below

Finished everything for LEO, working on CIV & Illegal stuff for civs to do.


  • Added an Advanced Evidence Script
  • Added New Spawn Selector
  • Added Realistic ATM Script
  • Added Food items for restaurants


  • Liberty City map
  • NYPD Uniforms
  • NYPD cars
  • New character spawn
  • Character Appearance


  • Civ MLO’s
  • PD MLO’s
  • Hospital MLO’s
  • Civ Clothing