Engine Sound FxManifest.lua

Good Day Fellow forum wanders.

So Bellow is going to be attached an example fxmanifest.lua for a sound pack and following will be a question.

files {

data_file 'AUDIO_GAMEDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks1_elergy_game.dat'
data_file 'AUDIO_GAMEDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks2_elergy2_game.dat'

data_file 'AUDIO_SOUNDDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks1_elergy_sounds.dat'
data_file 'AUDIO_SOUNDDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks2_elergy2_sounds.dat'

data_file 'AUDIO_SYNTHDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks1_elergy_amp.dat'
data_file 'AUDIO_SYNTHDATA' 'audioconfig/Zwrks2_elergy2_amp.dat'

data_file 'AUDIO_WAVEPACK' 'sfx/dlc_Zwrks_elergy_1'
data_file 'AUDIO_WAVEPACK' 'sfx/dlc_Zwrks1_elergy2'

And my question would be Could i reduce the clutter of the above fxmanifest.lua by doing it as the following?

files {

data_file 'AUDIO_GAMEDATA' 'audioconfig/*game.dat' ## orjust using /*.dat

data_file 'AUDIO_SOUNDDATA' 'audioconfig/*sound.dat' ## orjust using /*.dat

data_file 'AUDIO_SYNTHDATA' 'audioconfig/*amp.dat' ## orjust using /*.dat

data_file 'AUDIO_WAVEPACK' 'sfx/dlc_Zwrks_elergy_1' ## Keep these as the following
data_file 'AUDIO_WAVEPACK' 'sfx/dlc_Zwrks1_elergy2' ## Keep these as the following

Apprecaite any help :heart_hands:

Well, you can try - I do know sound files specifically are quite weird, and sometimes they refuse to work unless you point to them specifically without using globbing, but some other times it works. Just test it out and see :laughing:

weird is an understatement :laughing: , but the answer is to anyone that is going to try this ** NO YOU CANNOT DO THIS ** So save your time people’s

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