Enforcer's Haven FivePD | Streamer Friendly | Realistic Roleplay

:rotating_light: Welcome to Enforcer’s Haven :rotating_light:
We are a new and upcoming FivePD server with a vision of being a server that people can call one of the best. We run off of a single priority: ensuring people have a safe, enjoyable, and entertaining Police Roleplay experience.

:crown: Built for Roleplayers, By Roleplayers
Our team are veterans in the roleplay community some of us go back to GTA4 We have learned over the years there are some bad implements and very good ones. We strive to add only the best and most entertaining scripts to add the best experience for our community. We are constantly trying to improve and upgrade our server and always listening to our community for possible future implications in the game.

:question: Why Enforcer’s Haven
Our team was sick of having to find a good server and wait for an application to process and then find a time suitable for us and the other servers to get training done so we could RP as police. Along with all the pay-to-win and pay-for staff, our team does not believe that people should be able to pay for power, We believe it should be earned with time, dedication, and trust With our server, we remove all that with our fivePD integration which cuts out all the negatives with other servers. There is no AOP, Cooldown, or Constant Shootings. With our Departments and subdivisions, there is and always be a spot for you.

:trophy: A new start with a promised future

Enforcer’s Haven Is not like others - It’s a small but serious community if you are ready to be a part of our community, now is the time.
