End the event with the Key [x]

Hey guys, maybe someone can help me. I want that when I press the X key, end the collecting in my farming script with the E key, it is started. Can anyone help me?

if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['E']) and IsPedOnFoot(PlayerPedId()) then
				if CurrentAction == 'TraubenSammler' then
                    while not HasAnimDictLoaded("anim@mp_snowball") do
					TaskPlayAnim(PlayerPedId(), 'anim@mp_snowball', 'pickup_snowball', 1.0, -8.0, -1, 1, 500, false, false, false )

So actually only one event needs to be started and that is (‘esx_trauben: stopHarvestKoda’)
but how do I add that?