One of the misc natives (0x53797676AD34A9AA) mentioned in this snippet is b2189 hash for SET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL - Docs
Did you had fixed? because I have the same problem now
You have to request the native apparently. So something like
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xF74B1FFA4A15FBEA, 1) -- island path nodes (from Disquse)
Citizen.InvokeNative(0x9A9D1BA639675CF1, "HeistIsland", true)
Wait (500)
and then you can request the IPLs for the hangar doors to be open or closed.
I did write a code to load the hangar correctly and open the hangar doors, but some scumbags on the forums like to take other people’s code and claim it as their own without asking in the DMs or giving credit, so I won’t be providing nor upload that.
But you can look around online at how to request IPLs etc.
All works for me
client.lua (9.3 KB) __resource.lua (116 Bytes)
After enabling this to our server we ran in some problems…
We did everything as needed (update artifacts, enabling gamebuild 2189 and run the following script).
But the problems we ran into was that all Vehicle NPC’s were remove no matter what. It wasn’t a script, because we didn’t change a single thing. And also the traffic lights didn’t work. They were all black and didn’t show the lights in a proper way. And the waypoint you can set with your map is also bugged. You can set one, but it doesn’t show the route to your destination…
Hope someone have found a fix to these problems.
EDIT: Once you run the following script everything fucks up:
Not 100%, it still gives some weird “blurry” textures when going back to the city
I had the artifacts 3404 and it gave me those texture problems, but it updated it to the last recommended one (When I write this the recommended one is 3456) I stopped having the texture problems. Try it yourselves
where I can get this IPL I don’t found it
it is true
So I have the recent server artifact, but when I set set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189
in server.cfg, it does not set it to that version at all.
I too have made this mistake. You want to put it in the .bat file so start.bat or whatever yours is called.
It should look something like this:
…\server-files\FXServer.exe +exec server.cfg +set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189
Don’t forget to change your FiveM to canary in the settings
Amazing work as always! Can we expect build 2189 to be the “main” build anytime soon?
I run linux, and I’ve put it in server.cfg, but I can’t get it to even do it.
Oh, I don’t know about linux then sorry
dude can you help with that hanger interior everything else works perfectly fine
Look in the code for this, if I remember correctly, it’s tied to the native
Do all players have to switch to canary ??
Not anymore
The server does not start with the build setup