Currently when I aim, there’s no dot. How do you enable it or what mod/script do you need? I’m not talking about aim assist or aim bot.
You have a resource running that is removing it by calling HideHudComponentThisFrame(14)
Where do you find the file or folder? I’m on QBCore
You search them all
Probably in qb-smallresources
Found it the qb-smallresources , what should I do next?
You can probably use the “IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId())” function.
You should wrap the previous mentioned function in a if statement around line 27 of qb-smallresources/client/hudcomponents.lua
: qb-smallresources/client/hudcomponents.lua at 10af83bbd91ce73c7418de0e801870973c016532 · qbcore-framework/qb-smallresources · GitHub
(I haven’t used lua in a while, but I think this should work:)
for i = 1, #disableHudComponents do
-- Get the hud id
local hudId = disableHudComponents[i]
-- If current hudId isn't 14 hide hud-id
-- If player is not aiming, hide hud-id
if hudId is not 14 or not IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then
-- If hud-id is 14 (and player is aiming, stated by the previous if) show id 14
elseif hudId is 14 then
- IsPlayerFreeAiming: IsPlayerFreeAiming - FiveM Natives @ Docs
- PlayerId: PlayerId - FiveM Natives @ Docs
It’s confusing for me since I’m new to this. Can you help me write it so I can copy and paste it into small-resources config?
local isAiming = IsControlPressed(0, 24) -- Check if the right mouse button (aim) is held down
for i = 1, #disableHudComponents do
if isAiming then
or use this script
Should I add this to qb-smallresources config file?
It depends on whether you’re using the script or the code. We just replaced the code in ‘qb-smallresources/client/hudcomponents.lua line 26-32’ on my friend’s server, and it worked fine. However, I can’t guarantee that it will run on your server as smoothly as it did when we initially set it up. We haven’t encountered any errors, and it’s been running fine up to this day. Please make a backup of ‘qb-smallresources,’ and if it doesn’t work, then use the script.
Oh okay you’re talking about having it like this removing number 14 from the config?
disableHudComponents = {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22}, – Hud Components: HideHudComponentThisFrame - FiveM Natives @ Docs
disableControls = {37}, – Controls: Controls - Docs
displayAmmo = true – false disables ammo display
if you go to qb-smallresources > client > hudcomponents.lua
and remove the code below it should work, worked for me
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