Enable AI Police Scanner?

I would like to enable the AI police scanner inside of the police cars of a server. I still don’t want them spawning but just want the player’s who are police to hear the AI calling things out over the radio while they’re in their vehicles. I’ve located the audio flags but have no idea how or which to use.



Those flags are to be used with the SET_AUDIO_FLAG native, like so.

SetAudioFlag("AllowPoliceScannerWhenPlayerHasNoControl", true);
SetAudioFlag("OnlyAllowScriptTriggerPoliceScanner", true);

I also set this one, but I’m unsure if it has any effect.

SetAudioFlag("PoliceScannerDisabled", false);
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I added all 3 to a thread in a client.lua and it didn’t seem to work. Shouldn’t it work in the police vehicle classed vehicles?

Not sure, it’s weird. My dispatch sometimes cuts off right after saying “suspect” if you’re wanted, but it seems to work fine with idle callouts when you’re in a police vehicle.

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I will keep trying. Maybe mess with our No Wanted script