Emergency Vehicle Presets [Lua-Lua Scripts]


This is a simple resource that give the power to players to save presets of the their vehicle customizations.
Each player have their own presets that can be saved and applied by a single name.

This can be helpful for emergency vehicles that should follow a strict appearance but is not limited to that.
You can configure the allowed vehicle models or classes that can accept presets.
Player job and locations is also something that can help improve the roleplay experience.

Out of the box only visual customizations will save on the preset and not upgrades, but this can easily change in the config functions.


  • Commands: Simple commands for fast usage of the presets that can be configured as keybinds.
  • Models Restriction: Control which vehicles will accept presets by models or classes.
  • Job Restriction: Allow only certain jobs to have access to presets.
  • Location Restriction: Set specific locations that player can apply presets.
  • Seamless Installation: Out of the box compatible with the most popular frameworks and libraries.
  • Translate: Easily translatable within the configuration settings.
  • Highly configurable: The resource offers a plethora of configuration options, ensuring it adapts seamlessly to match your unique preferences.


You can simple use the following commands:

  • /presetsave [name] (Should meet the whitelist criteria like vehicle model/class, location, job)
  • /presetapply [name] (Should meet the whitelist criteria like vehicle model/class, location, job)
  • /presetdelete [name] (Should meet the whitelist criteria like vehicle model/class, location, job)
  • /presetlist
  • /preset Opens the menu (this only available when using ox_lib)


No dependencies are required. Can be used as a standalone resource!

Seamless install for ESX and QB frameworks.
Easily configurable for your own custom framework.

Compatible out of the box with mysql-async and oxmysql database libraries, but not limited to those.

Compatible out of the box with ox_lib to utilize the Context Menu to enhance the player experience.

Asset Escrow & Encryption

This resource is protected by the FiveM’s Asset Escrow & Encryption system.


You will find more information about this resource and
how to proceed to purchase on our Tebex Store.


Contact us for support or any questions on our Discord.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1,400+
Requirements Any base, Any database library
Support Yes