Just fix the vehicles meta file. It’s not complete
whats wrong with it my first time making els pack
Here’s the fixed files and a picture to show me in game with one of the cars. I don’t use that crap ELS, so I can’t turn on the lights.
vehicles.meta (32.0 KB)
carvariations.meta (25.4 KB)
You didn’t close any of your tags. I can’t believe you didn’t put these on your own server before uploading here.
Yh lol sorry made this at like midnight probaly should of waited
there is no sound on the cars now no siren sound no nothing
Its els so make sure your using els
Edit the vehicles.meta and edit the line <audioNameHash />
Change it to <audioNameHash>whatevermodelnameyouwant</audioNameHash>
I was in a hurry to fix the files, I forgot to set the audio names. Usually, you can just use the same model name that is in the handling setting above it.
its on all the cars so ill just put in whatevermodelnameyouwant on them all yeah
i will be uploading a new download in a minute that has sound
carvariations.meta (25.4 KB)
vehicles.meta (32.2 KB)
theres one with the sound guys
ive already fixed
still doesn’t work not sure why iv tried everything
Please either take it down or fix this
Why would he take it down???
@Scott_UK It doesnt work. it crashes when loading into the server.
yeah crash crash fucking crash
this has been read by a mod of fivem website and this might be closed into you actually make this work
It does work. Atleast for me.
Yeah works fine for me