[EDIT] progressBars for mechanicjob [ENG/ITA]



progressBar [RELEASE] Progress Bars 1.0 [STANDALONE]

esx_mechanicjob https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_mechanicjob

Hi everyone,
Today i’m gonna release for you a simple progressBar for the mechanicjob.
If you want to install the following script make sure to follow these stepts:

  1. Download this file main.lua from this link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ydghtdriijgho/MAINLUA%20ENG/
  2. Replace the default client/main.lua of your mechanic job whit this
  3. Enjoy!


Ciao a tutti,
Oggi ho postato questo file main.lua contenete delle righe modificate che consentono di avere le progerssBars quando si fanno le azione del meccanico.Per installarle seguite questi passaggi:

1.Scaricate il file da questo link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/6rirs0tb3q60h/MAINLUA_ITA
2.Rimpiazzatelo con quello originale del mechanicjob client/main.lua

Its not hard to add progress bars to a script. Its literally just one line. This does not classify this as a release. Its a MINOR edit to a mechanic job which is extremely easy for anyone to do if they feel they want progress bars on the job to begin with.

Small edits are not allowed. Work together with the original creator to add this to their scripts if they wish to do so