Easy Vehicle Handling

Tired of handling files for every single vehicle in your FiveM server? Easy Vehicle Handling is here to streamline your server’s vehicle handling system! This powerful script removes the need for complex handling files and lets you manage vehicle behavior through customizable categories. Define categories like emergency vehicles, sports cars, SUVs, or create your own, and easily tweak speed, acceleration, suspension, and more!

Key Features:

  • :red_car: Category-Based Handling: Group vehicles by type and set handling attributes for the entire category.
  • :gear: Customizable Settings: Adjust parameters like max speed, acceleration, brakes, suspension, and mass.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Easy Configuration: Modify everything in a simple config.lua file.
  • :memo: Blacklist System: Exclude specific vehicles from handling changes.
  • :rocket: Global Settings: Apply default settings to vehicles that don’t fit a specific category.
  • :white_check_mark: Fully Optimized: No performance impact on your server.

Say goodbye to handling file headaches and hello to a more organized, efficient vehicle handling system!

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes