Early-Exit Trapped problem

i just uninstalled and install it again and suddenly i get that erorr

I don’t even know how to fix it. I constantly get it and it’s starting to tick me off.

For those who are having problems

  1. Go and press Windows + R
  2. Type in %appdata%
  3. Go and find “Citizen FX”
  4. Copy and Paste the folder into your desktop
  5. Delete the folder in your roaming
  6. Open up FiveM
  7. Boom, done and done.
    Any questions lemme know!!!

CfxCrashDump_2022_05_19_00_46_16.zip (1.2 MB)

this is getting crazy now

I had this problem a couple of days ago. I tried everything. I reinstalled Steam, Rockstar Launcher, FiveM, Gta, turned my windows defender off. Nothing worked, It happened to be a registry error with my windows(I don’t know what the error was). I reset my windows and everything was working fine. Hope this helps.

When I delete the Citixen Fx folder, I can open the game, but if I have to do that every time I enter, I won’t be able to activate the fivem option “Fix UI lag” and if I don’t activate the apcoin, the menus of the game are very slow…


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YES! It works! Thank you soooo muuuch! :heart_eyes:

What worked? What did you do?

That’s what I did. I reset my PC and everything works fine without the error.

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it worked

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