Client (production/canary) and FXServer version: BuildNumber=3258 / Ver. 13602
What you expected to happen: Game should finish benchmark and load you back into world where you were before starting benchmark.
What actually happens: Game Crashes just after benchmark finishes.
Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native): Client/FiveM
Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s):Load into Story Mode, press ESC then click on "Settings>Graphics>Bottom Right Press “Run Benchmark” - Wait until benchmark is about to end - as loading screen starts to happen the game will crash with “early-exit trap” crash name.
I have tested different OS, both Windows 11 and 10 have this issue, also tested on totally different hardware, tested with many of my friends, crashes still occur, this is happening since last update - it started occurring very recently.
It is safe to say that this is bug in FiveM, definitely not a user-end issue. Thanks for understanding.
Update: Just loaded into a world again and i tried to switch to another saved game, as i pressed enter to confirm switching the game also crashed with same error. Here is another dump. (1.5 MB)
Hey, I see that 13602 is a Production build. There are currently a few fixes for Early-exit trap currently on the “Latest (Unstable)” release channel (frequently referred to as Canary). Can you try switching to that and testing it again? You can do it from the settings cogwheel at the top right of the FiveM main menu
Thanks for reply,
I have tried switching to Lastest (Unstable) and i tested it again, still crashes. ( (1.5 MB)
If you want you can try testing it as-well, this is the saved-game CitizenFX.7z (431.6 KB)
[Just extract this into “Saved Games” folder and when you open FiveM, on bottom left click “Story Mode” (Screenshot
Once FiveM loads, you can press ESC, click on “GAME>Load Game>Try loading into any saves>Game Crashes” Or you can try running benchmark and it will crash at the end just as loading screen is starting.