Hey, I need a full administration team for a new server I’m starting up. This means I need an assistant director // deputy director // Community Coordinators // Staff director // And general staff. I have a basic SOP that you can read here: Click me!
Now I haven’t done much when it comes to making the server but I’m slowly getting there. I will provide the funds for the server. Really all I’m asking for is people I can consult with about decisions and questions. Once the server is completed I will be needing department heads, so if you’d like to talk about those positions you can contact me as well. There is no “Application” Process, just hmu and we can work something out. Thanks for your time y’all.
Melontyler@gmail.com (Email)
T.Melon#7334 (Discord)
Direct message on the FiveM fourms
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wbKXycqbea
This post will be updated regularly, the positions currently available
San Andreas State Troopers
Assistant Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner
San Andreas Communications
Dispatch Director
Dispatch Deputy Director
Dispatch Manager
San Andreas Fire & Rescue
Fire Chief
Asst. Fire Chief
Battalion Chief 1 & 2
Server Administration & Development
Community Coordinator (04 in the community)
Jr. Staff (No interview needed)
Lead Developer
Lead Graphics & Design
Lead Server Document and Rule Creation