Dxgi 1.2

GTA V version? Last
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social Club
Windows version? 7
Error screenshot (if any) https://gyazo.com/2fc9f5d6cdcbd8a1989e5fdedb9ea142
System specifications SP 1, 64 bit

yo, when I try to include fivem, I get an error on the screen. I tried to download updates to windows but at installation I get the code 8007045D. I do not know what I can do anymore, I have not found a solution on the internet :frowning:

could you perhaps fill out the whole support template.
and system specifications isnt the version of windows its the actual specs… CPU, Ram, Videocard etc…

also, the search function on the forums does wonders :wink:

Continuing the discussion from Dxgi 1.2 support required:

Hmmm, i tried to download this update and can’t install this. Thanks for reply, but it did not help.

could you perhaps fill out the whole support template.
and system specifications isnt the version of windows its the actual specs… CPU, Ram, Videocard etc…

not needed :wink:

very needed… the questions are asked for a reason.

otherwise up date to windows 10 and be done with the problem all together if that update cant install then there is an issue with windows.

But if you want further assistance more information is needed. you have supplied no log files, no screenshots of your gta5/fivem directories no dump file.

Fill out the whole support template.

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