DrugFieldManager - ESX - FREE 🐼

Hello everyone, :panda_face:
Here is a resource that allows you to create drug fields (or other types) within a defined zone (using ox_zone) and interact with ox_target for harvesting.

:herb: Why is this different from other harvesting scripts? :herb:

With this resource, you have the ability to configure multiple fields directly in the config, including interactions per field, required items for harvesting, and items that players will receive. Most importantly, it features a capacity system for each field. When the harvest capacity is reached, it becomes impossible for players to harvest more. They will need to wait for a time period that you can configure for each field before they can harvest again.

Config.Fields = {
name = “Weed Field”,
itemsneed = ‘secateur’, – Item pour la recolte
coords = vector3(2832.434, -1417.144, 10.336),
size = vector3(10.0, 10.0, 5.0),
prop = “prop_weed_01”,
propCount = 10,
items = {
{ name = “tete_lemon”, amountMin = 1, amountMax = 3 }
maxItems = 285,
resetInterval = 1080 – minute
– More filed here

Config.DebugPolyZones = false – Afficher les zones de polygone pour le débogage

For more information, visit GitHub.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements ESX / Ox_libs / Ox_target
Support Yes