
you can convert the coding of the doors for MySQL —> CouchDB? Or run Heidi SQL locally

Sadly this doesnt work with vrp script I have I dont understand what the issue is with it. Can someone change the script to actually look inside the mysql and look if user group cop = true? that would be perfect ccurrently idk why my vrp_user_data doesnt have job it just has “Police Officer”:True ect… it doesnt state a job

I got a prison with cells I wanted to put to open and close the doors as I have and send me the cordenadas of all


Does i need to put something in my database?
And Can you make permission so its only the police Can do it

i have problems. I cant open the door when i press e? do i need a ingame key or something?


Hi guys, I found the entrance doors of comico.

But I do not have the exact coordinates. And xtrem research toolbox does not find these doors. In trying to reposition them at best, I have as a result

Left door : 434.71 -980.60 30.80
Right door : 434.77 -983.24 30.80

These are the 2 doors in the front and the 2 doors in the back

-- Mission Row Back Double Doors
[18] = { ["objName"] = "v_ilev_rc_door2", ["x"]= 467.3716, ["y"]= -1014.452,["z"]= 26.5362,["locked"]= true,["txtX"]=468.09,["txtY"]=-1014.452,["txtZ"]=27.1362},
[19] = { ["objName"] = "v_ilev_rc_door2", ["x"]= 469.9679, ["y"]= -1014.452,["z"]= 26.5362,["locked"]= true,["txtX"]=469.35,["txtY"]=-1014.452,["txtZ"]=27.1362},
-- Mission Row Back Double Doors front
[20] = { ["objName"] = "v_ilev_ph_door01", ["x"]= 434.75, ["y"]= -980.61,["z"]= 30.84,["locked"]= true,["txtX"]=435.19,["txtY"]=-981.36,["txtZ"]=31.74},
[21] = { ["objName"] = "v_ilev_ph_door002", ["x"]= 434.75, ["y"]= -983.22,["z"]= 30.84,["locked"]= true,["txtX"]=435.13,["txtY"]=-982.68,["txtZ"]=31.74},


celldoors.rar (2.6 KB)

README.txt (522 Bytes)

that’s for esx.
and server side.

For ESX Compatibility, you must either add an export from esx_policejob or write additional code

to create an export from policejob:



function getJob()
if PlayerData.job ~= nil then
return PlayerData.job.name

exports {


thank your for the coords :slight_smile:

Hello friend, can I use your mod to work in the vRP Framework and make it available here in the community? Thank you

I just got this error when i try to open the doors… https://gyazo.com/d9a8f568d5ccf7ee7341605d50cf58b6

https://gyazo.com/b58bbbcab2cebbf6e7bf502c17aadd13 What im going to type here?

Hi, I need help because I can’t unlock these doors

[quote=“Miss_Behavin, post:62, topic:57854”]
the one I posted has both ESX and non-ESX configurations… Both are server side synced and only allow cops to open the specific doors listed…

back doors to Mission Row LSPD, add these 2:
[/quote] This script work on VRP??

How do I get the key so that I can open and lock the doors
and I’m getting this error
[ERROR] [MySQL] An error occurs on MySQL for query “SELECT citizenStatus FROM characters WHERE steamId = @sid {@ sid = steam: 11000010347b5af}”: Unknown column ‘citizenStatus’ in ‘field list’

someone fixed the sql error allready? :confused:

so i added the database but i too get this error + the dorrs dos not work XD duh im getting errors XD

[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT citizenStatus FROM characters WHERE steamId = @sid {@sid=steam:11000011638f26d}”: Table ‘vrpfx.characters’ doesn’t exist

so what more do i have to add ?

Where do I put the database user and password?

Got a question how would I get the xmls for the cell doors for these cell doors at my sandy shores station

open the xml file. crtl + f and search for door. otherwise stand where the door is. get the coords and search with the coords.