drawEditorV - Create HUDs easy!

Hey there :wave: ,

Do you ever want to create HUDs, with rectangles, text and textures, but you felt like testing screen coords over and over again is a massive pain?

Well, look no further, because drawEditorV (early access :stuck_out_tongue: ) is here to help!

You can create custom text, custom rectangles and even custom textures!
You have the ability to modify all their variables, including coords, scale, and color!

Once you’re done with the UI creation, you can export the entire project as lua code (more code coming soon…I think).

Things still needed:

  • Support for “draw order”. (so you don’t have to know the order of your elements before-hand) (added in update 2)
  • Support for runtime textures.
  • Support for saving & loading projects, for future modifications (added in update 1)
  • Make the menu more pretty (added in update 1…sort of)

Get it on Github:

Thanks to:

  • Warxander, for the menu framework

Un tool foarte folositor pentru acele momente in care iti doresti un meniu intr-o anumita pozitie, cu anumite texte. Din ce am testat este foarte util pentru dezvoltatorii de servere FiveM.

Recomand cu incredere.

A very useful tool for those moments when you want a menu in a certain position, with certain texts. From what I’ve tested, it’s very useful for FiveM server developers.

I recommend with confidence.

Nice release :slight_smile:

Update 1:

  • Standard menu colors:
    The menu should now follow the Blue background-white text style that GTA:O interaction menu (and countless others) uses:


  • Saving & Loading:
    You can now load previously exported projects, by using their filename.
    Files need to be in the drawEditorV folder, the same folder where they are exported, and when typing the name, it needs to be CaSe SeNsItIvE.

    Sadly, you cannot load projects created before this update.

  • Disabled controls:
    Your character controls are disabled when modifying en element’s coords or size. (You can still move around while in the menu.)
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Does this use ace perms?

From what I saw in the files, it does not. But to me this is the kind of script that you start when you need, and stop right when you finished.
This kind of script do not need (and should not) to be started all the time.

after restarting the server, is this text gone?

You should not use this script on your main server. The idea behind the script is to help you generate the code needed for the UI.

This script will generate the code to make the text, you’ll have to copy and paste it in you scripts.

Nice release btw, I just made a PR on github. :slight_smile:

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i love your releases, and now this. this is my fever dream come true

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Update 2:

Wow, now that’s surprising!

  • feat: Added “Reorder Elements” tab in the project menu. This let’s you change the render order of the elements if you, for example, forgot to add a background element to your UI.

    You need to hover over the element that you want to change, hold [TAB] and then use the up or down arrows to move the element up or down on the hierarchy.
    First element will render in the background, last element will render in the foreground.

  • Removed the “Cancel” button on the “Element Edit” menu. I wanted to let the user have the possibility of undoing mistakes, but lack of coding knowledge on my part made that harder to implement (and it did not work anyway).
    I might revisit this function at some point, but not now.

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Update 3:

Heyo, I’m still alive!

  • Added “Remove Elements” menu, to, you know, remove unwanted elements.
  • Fixed Color Changing menus to not write nil instead of 0 when leaving the menu empty.

Update 4:

Guess who’s back!

  • Fixed file saving to account for the new lua io.* and os.* functions sandboxing.
    Project files are now being saved in .draws format (which is just text anyway, but I can’t save as .lua anymore), in the /output/ folder inside the resource folder! This is to account the new limitations in newer versions of the server.
    • Tested and working on server artifact v12168
  • Added server artifact dependency in fxmanifest.lua (v12168, didn’t test earlier builds)
  • Load Existing Project is now a menu that lists all files inside the /output/ folder, instead of asking you to write the filename.

Update is already available on github.

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