Dragon Katana's w/ Sheath & Multi-Colors

Updated 3/19/23

  • Packed all the separately downloaded Katana’s into a one click download.
    Now named “xtxvxtx_dragon_katanas”

Tebex Purchase Link
The Sling Script I use (GitHub)

High Definition Dragon Katana Sword with:
Yellow, Red, Purple, Green, and Blue versions
For different gangs and groups to use to have a personalized touch.

  • Comes with “Qb-Core Install code.txt” instructions / Sample code to use for your server.

  • Message me if you have any issues Discord: xTxVxTx#4282

3D Model by Sky_Hunter

Code is accessible No/Only .Meta files are editable
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Support Yes

Looks very similar to my Katana irl.

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Any way to get that sling script or tell me where to get it? I bought two of your katanas but i wanna put them on the back

I would be better to add an extra thing to hold the katana. It looks weird to see it glued to your back like that, other than that, pretty awsome job !

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Yeah for sure. Give me a few hours and I’ll have it to you.

Here is the sling script I use that includes my new weapons.
The Sling Script I use (GitHub)

@xTxVxTx i got something you intressted in i has to do with esx sling with oxinventory hit me up