dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

Hello everyone, i have question. Its possible to define emote for all ? ets. on key X will be handUP for evenyone on server. Thanks for help :slight_smile:

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are we able to just hash this out if it isnt working then?

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Yeah, you should be able to add -- in front of it.

Some interesting things you’ve added. I wasn’t expecting the that lewd female one

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eeeheheh yes. thanks for the credit :PP

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Just a dumb question, I changed the F3 keybind to open the menu in the config file but when I try to bring up the menu while recording clips, it keeps canceling the recording, thinking i’ve pressed F3 (Even after changing the keybind in GTA itself)

Do you have an advice for this? :confused:

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In my experience the most easy fix for this problem is not opening the menu and activating the animations through F8.


I just record and then do chat commands like /e whatever. I’m not sure why the recording cancels regardless of DpEmotes keybind but yeah :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:

Btw, I just merged something on my GitHub fork just recently, where say, if you were on default FiveM gamebuild, and you tried to play a Cayo Perico emote, it would simply print in chat something like 'danceclub5' is not a valid emote. You would then have to force a higher gamebuild.

How would I unbind an emote?

You can’t. Only way in the current setup is to ask the server admin to do it basically, it has to be done via direct access to the SQL database

Dose anyone know how to disable to mouse scroll wheel from open the dpemote menu. What’s the line of coding i would need to use, and where do i put it.


I’ve never experienced this problem. Try changing the key to open the menu, to F5. What I found was the F3 and F4 seem to bug if you’re using a controller and press O on PS4 / PS5, or press up or down.

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hey mate i wonder of ur relase dpemotes and there is option at animal can u make more animations GitHub - XxModZxXWiiPlaza/Dog-Emotes-: Dog Emotes For FiveM like here is playdead etc… :slight_smile: re edit : or some custom too

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I sure can, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I don’t do custom animations, only Rockstar created.

Edit: Most of the dog related animations, I’ve already added, plus more.

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This is Traditional Chinese “zh”

[‘emotes’] = ‘動作選單’,
[‘danceemotes’] = “:man_dancing: 舞蹈選單”,
[‘animalemotes’] = “:poodle: 動物(PED)動作選單”,
[‘propemotes’] = “:package: 道具選單”,
[‘favoriteemotes’] = “:star2: 我的最愛”,
[‘favoriteinfo’] = “設置動作為最愛”,
[‘rfavorite’] = “重置我的最愛”,
[‘prop2info’] = “:question: 道具動作可以最後選擇”,
[‘set’] = “設定 (”,
[‘setboundemote’] = “) 成為你的動作?”,
[‘newsetemote’] = “~w~ 是你設置的表情, 按下 ~g~CapsLock~w~ 使用表情.”,
[‘cancelemote’] = “取消動作”,
[‘cancelemoteinfo’] = “~r~X~w~ 取消正在進行的動作”,
[‘walkingstyles’] = “走路風格”,
[‘resetdef’] = “重置為預設”,
[‘normalreset’] = “普通 (重置)”,
[‘moods’] = “表情”,
[‘infoupdate’] = “資訊”,
[‘infoupdateav’] = “資訊 (有可用的更新)”,
[‘infoupdateavtext’] = “有可用的更新, 在這裡取得最新版本 ~y~https://github.com/TayMcKenzieNZ/dpemotes~w~”,
[‘suggestionsinfo’] = “請到discord官方頻道建議! :email:”,
[‘notvaliddance’] = “無效的舞蹈”,
[‘notvalidemote’] = “無效的動作”,
[‘nocancel’] = “沒有動作能夠取消.”,
[‘maleonly’] = “抱歉!這動作只由男性能夠使用”,
[‘emotemenucmd’] = “輸入 /emotemenu 打開選單”,
[‘shareemotes’] = “:couple: 共同的動作”,
[‘shareemotesinfo’] = “邀請附近玩家做動作”,
[‘sharedanceemotes’] = “:man_dancing: 共同的舞蹈”,
[‘notvalidsharedemote’] = “無效的共同動作”,
[‘sentrequestto’] = “發送邀請給 ~y~”,
[‘nobodyclose’] = "附近沒有~r~玩家~w~ ",
[‘doyouwanna’] = “~y~Y~w~接受邀請 , ~r~L~w~ 取消邀請 (~g~”,
[‘refuseemote’] = “動作被拒絕.”,
[‘makenearby’] = “讓附近的玩家做出動作”,
[‘camera’] = “按下 ~y~G~w~ 使用閃光燈”,
[‘makeitrain’] = “按下 ~y~G~w~ 撒錢”,
[‘pee’] = “按住 ~y~G~w~ 小便”,
[‘spraychamp’] = “按住 ~y~G~w~ 噴灑香檳”,
[‘stun’] = “按下 ~y~G~w~ '使用’電擊槍”,
[‘bound’] = "綁定 “,
[‘to’] = “給”,
[‘currentlyboundemotes’] = " 綁定動作:”,
[‘notvalidkey’] = “無效的按鍵”,
[‘keybinds’] = “:1234: 按鍵綁定”,
[‘keybindsinfo’] = “使用”

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oh that is human translate

umm the chinese can use those symbol :rofl: :rofl: that,s our word character

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I think maybe because my game is EU / USA English version perhaps? I do not know.

Is there any way to fix the emote menu to work with aspect ratios over 16:9? (eg using 32:9, 5120x1440, the emote menu does not appear for me at all)