dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

Where do I get the version “1.7” of dpemotes?

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My dpemotes menu won’t open

I had a problem like this and it turned out the locals were somehow broken (and I still dont know how or why) and the only fix I could come up with is bypassing the locale and manually replacing all calls for _U with the translated text directly. This fixed my issue.

why walking style no work …

Could you please upload your dpemotes optimized?
I Checked every single line, and simply it continues eating 0.08ms instead of 0.01 ms…


Niice, its PassiveRolePlayer BTW

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interesting …

No offense but, I wouldn’t trust code from some random person on the internet…

Curious if there is a code word linked in this script to the emote bind for delete/unbind it? I have tried /emotebind num4 unbind with no success. The issue I’m having is when I play on controller my key binds link to my thumb stick & I now can’t walk. Just wanting to erase the emotebinds. linked with num4-num9 that I set up. Thanks for any help.

Might be too late, but probably will help others

Open NativeUI.lua,
look for line 341

paste this instead of the current function

function FormatXWYH(Value, Value2)
    local W, H = GetActiveScreenResolution()
    return Value/W, Value2/H

It will take the current active player’s resolution screen and will postion it correctly

Hello, does sb has an idea how to add emotes for Vechicles in the menue? Sth like this:

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You would have to find the animation of the Ped leaning his arm out the window while in a driving position, then add that to dpemotes AnimationList.lua. Then enter the vehicle and apply the animation.

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Do you know the name?

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Anyone have problem whit prop bug on the hands ?

This is awesome, I love it! But does anyone know why anytime you change any value from true to false, or change a key bind value, it breaks the script until it gets reinstalled and untouched? Sorry, I’m a noob, but when I set them to false or change the values it just doesn’t work at all. Is there something else I have to do other than just changing the key and true/false values?

What props?

Box or tablet or notes for example

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Check DMs @Novus88

This is definitely possible :sunglasses:

You have the problem whit bugged propr in hand ?

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