dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

But i saw in other server female char use it. How?

Hi, do you have a list with the walkstyles (command /walk)? I’m searching the elegant girl walking style

in what section can i add more props to the menu ?

There is an exploit with players being able to ragdoll while in an animation allowing them to phase through objects including doors and walls anywhere on the map. There needs to be a check that doesn’t allow the player to ragdoll while in an emote

I cant seem to unbind my keybinds on it

You can add more props/emotes in the config file, check through to see how it’s done already and follow the example. You can find the animations here - https://alexguirre.github.io/animations-list/


Hello, I am new to this and I would like to know how I can point the “B” key

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Well done! :slight_smile: :grin:

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Is it simple to change the Native menu to menu_default?
For optimization reasons…

this may not help you but. there is a fire hose script

Does anyone have any insight on how i would write down the Flag: Second Task. so one animation will link two together

females can smoke weed. you need the scenario, smoking pot. its in Vmenu

Hello ! How can we remove a bind emote please? :disappointed_relieved:

Hey Dullpear, how do I remove a emotebind. i have an emotebind to num4. but that is a key already in use and now it is glitching. i have no idea how to fix it and it is possible that i can’t play again because of this glitch.

thx in advance.

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I created a custom banner for my emotes menu however I can not take the default DPEMOTES off of it. Where in the file would I do this?

disregard i found it

Is the CasinoEmotes folder necessary, or can I remove it?

how can you unbind emotes?

Have this menu the walkingstick inside?

Tu peut les supprimer seulement de la BDD du serveur malheureusement