dpEmotes 1.7 (390+ emotes) Walkingstyles, Keybinding, Dances, Expressions and Shared Emotes

Amazing script, works great for RP.

One question though. Is it possible for you to put a animal section into it?
Like dog sitting and laying?

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i mean checking the AnimationList.lua is always nice. You knew its play name (dance silly 7)


Ah is it really? I knew there was a problem with mine because I can’t stream it to my test server, so whenever I TRIED using that emote it never worked, so how would I know? :slight_smile:

If that’s really it thank you very much!

it is that one, you can check AnimationList.lua its got the “dance silly 7” next to it, as for it not working, you didnt specify it doesn’t work, so I did not know, I only assumed that it worked.

Pode adicionar beijo emoji

Hey all, loving this script and keen for future update. However it may not be related to this script but after a period of time since the last server restart (we do scheduled 12 hour restarts), the props will become only see-able client side. This includes props not related to the scripts prop menu like a phone or tablet. This wasnt an issue until we pushed this emote system. Has anyone experienced similar and know of the cause? Thanks,

Hello! I have some trouble with walk styles, it didnt work. After i press the walk style i wanted to use, my char just , blinked , and mooving the same way like normal. Any tips? :(((

You likely have another script changing the characters walkingstyle, do a search on all your resources for SetPedMovementClipset

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Yeah, thanks a lot! :)) we have a script for a walk when u are injured.
:white_check_mark: Solved.
Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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hey im trying to do this and getting this error https://gyazo.com/86d5c34e56f2903301fa53a354fbbca6

Look into Client - EmoteMenu.lua

rightPosition =
leftPosition =
menuPosition =

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not working. config.lua is not properly set up, gives an error at the first line.

Error parsing script @dpemotes/Config.lua in resource dpemotes: @dpemotes/Config.lua:1: unexpected symbol near ‘<\239>’
Failed to load script Config.lua.
Error loading script Server/Server.lua in resource dpemotes: @dpemotes/Server/Server.lua:21: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘Config’)

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Hey, try this!


You may possible not be using the body required, try 49;

animation = {
animDict = “weapons@first_person@aim_rng@generic@projectile@thermal_charge@”,
anim = “plant_floor”,
flags = 49,

Love it!

Amazing release! Thank you!

Ahh, I’m not sure, try different versions of it through alex’s animations, I haven’t thoroughly tested it!

I found a problem, and it needs a fix.

If you cancel prop emote, it’s not on your hand in your own screen, but sometimes other player can see it there. I don’t know what is causing that because it does not happen every time.

Hi, I have a question, you can move the f3 menu a bit

rightPosition =
leftPosition =
menuPosition =

In client.lua.