Downloading content very slow

Build 1868 Online 1.50?
Windows 10 Version 1903
There isn’t
AMD FX-8150 / R7 260x 2gb / 16gb RAM DDR3
Nothing just joining any server the downloading content is very slow
All servers
IDK where is it
IDK where is it
IDK where is it

If an issue with starting:
Windows defender

when i click connect on any server it brings me downloading content but nothing below it then after a while it starts downloading but its very slow it downloads 0.1 mb per sec maybe even slower even though my internet speed is 24mbps

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This will be a few things, your wifi, your pc and the servers scripts and ymaps and if your computer can handle it for more info pm on the fourms.

Kind Regards


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It is most likley your connection to the server. It is probably because the server is in a place where you will get a high ping with it.

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