Download Fivem.exe


When I download FiveM and i try to run it, nothing happen, just after a few second “an error(7) occured”.

Please help me.


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I have the last gta 5 version, i download it 3days ago.
It’s a legit version, Social Club.
Windows 10,

I don’t know what is Filepath to FiveReborn folder and FiveReborn client folder screenshot.maybe i dont have them.

I’ve tried to rename FiveM.exe to and rename it and once again FiveM.exe. It’s download me 0.77mb.
It creates a folder named “”, I launch it again and I have to choose my gta folder. Then a few second later I have error(35). When I choose the folder I have an error “outdated version of windows” .
In the folder named “” 3 files are created, One folder "cache’, another “crashes” and “CitizenFX.ini” in it, it’s written " [game] IVPath=D:/GTA " In the folder " cache " there are two others folders “game” and “subprocess”.
“game” → cache.dat , “subprocess” → FiveM_Dumpserver. It check all files.

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I dont know why but today is a good day so it works. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELPING MESSAGE MY BRO!

But now, i have to download 600mb but it crashes when 50mb left

Delete caches.xml and try again.

Get into fivem and it’s like this.

not relevant to this topic, make your own topic and fill out the support template.

also a two year old topic, watch the topic dates.

you can give me the link to download the FiveM.EXE