I’m here to advise you about this Hosting Company who scamming they own clients and treats its customers as garbage, everytime they have problems, everytime they know just to apologise but never don’t do anything to rezolve the problems. I have my servers offline 3 days because of them, and after that 3 days in every day for a month only problems. Lose connection with DB, servers stop for no reason and when you try to speak with them they treat you like a fool or idiot. And there are many things to say about them…
Today i tryed to speak with them about my problem and they told me to make a ticket for this problem because they dont have what to do about my problem. I said okey, after 4 hours nobody answer to that ticket… ( https://i.imgur.com/CogkFZ2.png ) When i go back to support chat and tried to explain them this its not okey what happend and i threatened them with my pictures i take with all conversations with them and i said i will make a complaint about this they just banned me on the support chat…
I repeat, i’m here just to advise you, if you want a good company to host your server dont use this company, you will regret it… If you want to lose money and time go there, its a perfect place. And i don’t know why fivem recommend this company, i dont understand that…
If you don’t trust me about this Company i will let you some picture to see how they really are.
These pictures were made yesterday:
- https://i.imgur.com/cECqxKq.png
- https://i.imgur.com/reXGsL1.png
- https://i.imgur.com/rnL8pEn.png ( This its all they know to say )
- https://i.imgur.com/Cw6FHSV.png ( Yea server its fine… )
- https://i.imgur.com/ieGOyew.png
- https://i.imgur.com/Su7pxom.png
- https://i.imgur.com/9Q7KFDy.png ( How you can say DB its included free? Its posible to buy a server witout a DB? I mean how you can even start server without DB? )
- https://i.imgur.com/oCbB9h5.png ( And how i said, this its how they treated his clients… )
And this its how to lose a full day with the support team. The problem starts at 14:00PM yesterday and even now they did not solve the problem…
And this is an older problem when i try to speak with support team and nobody cares about my problem… iI speak with 3 diffrent people and explain the same problem at all of them and they just leave the support chat… In that day i lose 5 hours just to try to rezolve my problem…
And a very big thing that left me shocked when I found out they scam me. I paid for a “premium system” and they put me on a garbage system…
- https://i.imgur.com/23R73Q0.png
- https://i.imgur.com/OTxFiEy.png
- https://i.imgur.com/0MmIn3O.png
- https://i.imgur.com/j1xXcrh.png
Guys thats it… I’m sorry for my bad english, its not my main language so i hope you guys understand what i said here… Its more to say about them but I can not say anything without proof…
I hope guys you take my advice seriously and be carefull with them. And i hope FiveM stop recommend Zap Hosting.