DOG Generators Pack

DOG Generators Pack

DOG Generator Props and Trailers

Comes with 4 models and Trailers with the DOG 20 and 40ft Generators.


DOG 40ft Generator Trailer

DOG 20ft Generator Trailer

DOG RP 5500 Generator (2 Versions)

DOG 20 and 40ft Generator (4 Versions)

DOG C7 Diesel Generator

DOG C Series Diesel Generator

YTD’s provided so you can change all logo’s

You can of course hook-up the trailers to your truck and go for a ride.

The Stairs (only for deco) on the trailer is toggleable with Extra 1

You can’t enter the (open doors) Container Generators, but they have work lights so you can add a light source in CW

No Escrow.

If you are using any of my props in your Projects - Please Credit Me.

10 USD
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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Trailer Polygons 416.000
Requirements None
Support Yes