Does a native callback exist?

Hello there, neighbors,

I know of the popular frameworks’ callbacks and I have found resources such as this but just wondering if a native callback system exists for returning values from server ~> client.

If not, does everyone just trigger a server event, do their work and end by triggering a client event back at the source?

I don’t want to add a dependency to what I’m doing, rather have the script handle it without.

Thanks for your time!

Not at this time. There was a brief time when this was implemented by allowing functions to be passed in events, but this was fundamentally flawed, and when a memory leak in function-passing was fixed, this RPC bit broke as well.

The client/server callback code seen in ESX/QBCore and similar is very simple to remake, though, it’d be around 20-30 lines of actual code to track callbacks by a ‘reply ID’ in a similar way to how e.g. JSON-RPC would work for asynchronous requests, with back-and-forth event sending.

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I was looking at ESX’s code and all I could find in it was:

function ESX.TriggerServerCallback(name, cb, ...)
	Core.ServerCallbacks[Core.CurrentRequestId] = cb

	TriggerServerEvent('esx:triggerServerCallback', name, Core.CurrentRequestId, ...)

	if Core.CurrentRequestId < 65535 then
		Core.CurrentRequestId = Core.CurrentRequestId + 1
		Core.CurrentRequestId = 0


function ESX.RegisterServerCallback(name, cb)
	Core.ServerCallbacks[name] = cb

function ESX.TriggerServerCallback(name, requestId, source, cb, ...)
	if Core.ServerCallbacks[name] then
		Core.ServerCallbacks[name](source, cb, ...)
		print(('[^3WARNING^7] Server callback ^5"%s"^0 does not exist. ^1Please Check The Server File for Errors!'):format(name))

Is it just creating a request id, then passing that id back and forth to keep track of the callback in question?

Yep. That, and the event handler for the response then calling by that ID.

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