Dobermann Dog [PED] [DOG] [PETS]

:dog: Dobermann

Hi all!

On heavy demand for us to introduce standalone purchases next to our subscription model you can now individually purchase the dog models we create.
Enjoy the majestic Dobermann breed, next up: French Bulldog!

Disclaimers :warning:

  • Asset is protected by CFX Escrow
  • Accessories and Apparel are not included and only exclusively obtainable with the Pet Assets Subscription (we provide a default asset base with the purchase of our pet script for select dogs)

Preview Subscription Pack

:shopping_cart: Purchase below

:video_camera: This asset is best used with our Pets Script below! :arrow_down:

:red_car: Check out our other flagship resource below!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No (but also an option if you want to)
Support Yes

You should also sell them individually, I’m not gonna subscribe just to add pets, and most servers also wouldn’t, but they would pay one-time per pet.

Within the subscription we include tons of clothing, props, a mlo, all the animals current and newly coming. We will look at a later time to sell everything individually if people please.