Hey, I just want to report a bug with the Rockstar Editor. It appears that using “DLC_ITYP_REQUEST” in the fxmanifest.lua causes the game to crash. I tested this with the canary, beta, and stable versions, all resulting in the same issue. It seems that the ytyp files are not correctly unloaded when requested via the fxmanifest. This issue affects all players attempting to edit editor clips.
Thats the error:
An exception occurred (c0000005 at 0x7ff7a4f2c7bb) during unloading of resources:/repro/stream/prop_test.ytyp in data file mounter 00007ffd12a73fe0. The game will be terminated.
I even created a small repro resource:
repro.zip (4.7 KB)
How to reproduce the issue:
- Start the repro resource and connect to the server
- Create a clip using the R* Editor.
- Press ESC and go to the Rockstar Editor.
- Select the clip you created and try to edit it.
Your game should now crash with the error mentioned above.
Note: If you enter the editor from the start menu (without joining the server), you can open and edit the clip. However, if you try to edit another clip (after loading the first one), you will encounter the same error again. It seems to be a problem with how the ytyp files are loaded and unloaded.