going to try it now . thanks !
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will give feedback later . i have something wrong with my es_extended haha
Really good script but i cant wait till you release the MP3 with it it will be just astonishing!!
Is the DJ player source tied to the player position?
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The space where the music is heard, is configured in the file config.lua at 100, you can change it to your liking. As you move away the volume will decrease.
Thats what i wanted to hear, thanks will try it now xD
give your feed back after testing 
Honestly, works great lol
Apart from there’s no peds or props, and the locales don’t seem to want to work, i’m sat to en for language but it’s still default language.
This script addapted from other, i solve this for soon
Oh also, when i change into my “DJ Clothes” I’m neked haha
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The Dj clothes make your custom and insert in database job_grades, clubdj, Male and Female

oh my bad, i’m used to them being done by default haha
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I corrected everything you told me 
Still not English but I can sort that haha,
yay i have dancers and bar staff now lol, loving it, tysm
i only corrected the languages dont use ahaha, yeh translate to your language, im portuguese and my server too, sorry for language in portuguese