Easily manage through all dispatch calls navigating with arrow keys (keybindings can be changed in config and also in FiveM keybindings)
Responding to current call sets waypoint
Press I (default) to manage call manager position
Shows all active calls, their information
Respond to call
Remove call
Zoom to call on map
Manage units (for dispatchers)
See locations of other units & calls
Draw lines, circles, markers & polygons on map
Map Layers
Drawings exist on a certain layers
Switch between layers
Create new layers and choose which units can see a certain layer
See all active units
Manage your own radio, callsign and status that will be shown next to unit
Group units seamlessly by dragging them on top of each other and rename groups
Includes Calls and Units but in a view that takes less space
Shows alert information in top right corner for a while
Allow diverse data on alert: message, code, priority, gender, person, phone number, vehicle, weapon, photo of player, & much more
Premade alerts
Gun seen
Vehicle stealing
Panic button
Configure each alert easily in config, change stuff like need for a NPC to have line of sight player in order to send alert etc.
Backwards compatibility for ps-dispatch, qs-dispatch and cd_dispatch, so you don’t need to change old alert exports on your server
Clean UI
0.00-0.01 ms idle (depending on what alerts you have enabled)
Supports Standalone (for standalone by default made to work with badger api), ESX, QBCore & all framework specific functions/events are editable so you can integrate your own framework
English and Finnish translations by default, and you are able to translate everything yourself
They both use (react) leaflet and (react) leaftlet-draw which is why the map section looks similar. It’s not like certain libraries are only limited to certain creators
Hello, I wanted to ask you two questions about the MDT and Dispatch script, whether it is possible to add other MLO maps existing on the server to the Dispatch map, and whether it is possible to search for people by tags registered in the MDT, such as DNA and fingerprints.