[Discountined] [RELEASE] [js] IceFiveM.js Discord bot, with Web panel intergrations


Ice-FiveM.js Complete Rewrite


Looking for translators, dm me on discord if interested

I intially wrote this to be used inside my FiveM server and then decided to make it fully customizable and that’s what I did, simply edit the config and use it inside your server, the Web discord bot will get an update soon with a fully modular system as well.

Web bot uses all functions made by @tabarra
All Danish translations done by @Real_Deltarix
All Swedish translations by @LilZaam2004
All French translations by @Masterze
All German translations by @MonsterZockerHD
Thank you to all translators above!

All you need is node and a bot token which you can obtain from here

For config options use the setup.txt
For file locations, read my github or in txt in the additions folder
You will also need Visual Studio Please install it with Desktop development with c++

  1. Run install-depend.bat
  2. Edit any config options
  3. Start the bot using start-bot.bat
  4. For the web bot make sure to use the same token as the bot in my GitHub, so commands sync
    Note: Web bot has it’s own config, use configDb!


  • Communicate and interact with your fivem server directly
  • Simple Logging system
  • Join/leave messages
  • Reports, bugs, tickets
  • Admin commands
  • Autorole system
  • Fivem Server Stats

Notes: Please report any issues you come across to my discord (linked below), this will help me push bugs away as I pull in new features :slight_smile:
Please keep my footer if you would like, so you can help other users know where this came from.
Any updates anyone wants should be pushed to my github.

Download: Want this, get it here!

This bot will be updated in the future to be cleaner and more features, keep an eye on it!

Common Errors + fixes
start-bot.bat opens then closes - Simply Open CMD and then cd into your bot’s folder (where bot.js is located) then type node bot.js

Cannot find module module-name - In your CMD type in npm i module-name and wait for it to install

v1.5.7 - Thanks for reading, this bot is open source meaning feel free to use, edit and re-distribute my code - IceyyM8


Looking fresh.


Great work!

1 Like

Simple double click on it. This is for windows

I might just be stupid here, but I keep getting this error.
Been trying to figure out why, but my fixes don’t seem to work, perhaps someone might be able to point out why?

heya, where would i put the t.xadmin-additions (already have t.xAdmin installed)

Download python from the python website, it is required for the database I use, I will list this as a dependency

Bot in src/components
Logins in web/basic

Well I did try that, got the newest version which is 3.6?
Is there a a required version or?

Surprised the mods didn’t tell or remove the discord link

Because mods weren’t aware it was edited in after review

Im sorry about that I wasn’t aware, won’t happen again.

Thanks Papi <3

Does this support Linux?

Because it would be awesome if it did

In a sense yes, it simply uses node and python, im sure node and python have an official release for linux.