FiveM Server. 20chars
the ban does not work it must make a manip?
Hello flatracer,
Work you always on this beautiful project because we look forward to the final version (personalized vehicle backup, spawn peds by name …) and more.
Thank you for your work
Please provide more informations, because the ban system actually works.
Thank you for giving feedback, I am already working on your requests.
it is possible to put several duration of ban?
ans for informations , when I ban nothing happens
@Morgan_Braco Did you change the name of the resource or put it in any subfolder other than the resources
Also different bandurations aren’t possible in this version, I will add this later.
not all menus and options just work the ban which do not work
So, everything except the Player Banning is working?
yes all is ok except that
Did you change something? Is your Server up to date? Did you rename the resource or put it in a subfolder?
No I have not changed anything, and yes everything is up to date: /
I sent you a direct Message, I don’t want to spam the thread with this.
You wrote
If you have any more suggestions, please let me know.
Updated to v2.0.0
- Added Stunt Jumps
- Added Voice Chat
- Added Voice Chat Proximity
- Added Voice Chat Channel
- Added IPs as a way to add Admins
- Added the possibility to change the language
- Added some new config options
- Added Vehicle Saving
- Reallocated the Component Changer and the Outfits Saving
Download in the First Post!
hello, could you please explain why when i open the menu the admin menu is missing? i would be very greatful if you could help
You have to add yourself as a admin in the server.Lua File
Any player that enters the server can open the menu! How can I change this?
Edit the config. Change OnlyForAdmins = false
to OnlyForAdmins = true
i have added myself and changed the congig.lua but its still the same, i bought the game via instant gaming and where i added myself i did put the serial number they gave me in order to make the download as the licence would that be the problem??
Yeah, thats the problem, thats not the license you have to put in there… Check what I wrote into the server.lua
, beginning at Line 16. That will help you!
--[[ To get your Identifier: Add the Trainer to your Server Resources, run FiveM and join YOUR Server. Once your Ped Spawned, press the following Buttoncombination: GAMEPAD: --->>> LB/ L1 + RB / R1 + DPAD Down + A/ X. <<<--- KEYBOARD: --->>> Button for VEHICLE AIM + Button for VEHICLE SHOOT + Button for PHONE DOWN + Button for PHONE UP. <<<--- It Outputs the Identifier in your RCON Log. Edit this File afterward. ]]
–Change this to edit the Keyboard Opening Key (Other Keys at
KBKey = 166
–Change this to edit the Gamepad Opening Keys (Other Keys at
GPKey1 = 90
GPKey2 = 179
–Change “false” to “true” to disable the Menu for Non-Admins
OnlyForAdmins = true
–Change “true” to “false” to enable the Stunt Jumps by default
StuntJump = true
–Change “false” to “true” to disable the No Clip Mode and the World Menu for Non-Admins
WorldAndNoClipOnlyAdmins = false
–Change “false” to “true” to disable the Bodyguard Menu for Non-Admins
BodyguardsOnlyAdmins = false
–Change “false” to “true” to disable the Teleport Menu for Non-Admins
TeleportOnlyAdmins = false
–Change “true” to “false” to disable Player Bips
playerBlips = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable Player Bips on Non-Admins Clients
BlipsAndNamesNonAdmins = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable PvP
PvP = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable the Extendable Map
ExtendableMap = true
–Change “true” to “false” to enable the Fort Zancudo Gates
RemoveFortZancudoGates = true
–Change This To Change The Vehicle The “Vehicle Gun” Is Shooting
VehicleGunVehicle = “ZENTORNO”
–Change “true” to “false” to disable Join Messages
JoinMessage = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable Left Messages
LeftMessage = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable Death Messages
DeathMessage = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable the Scoreboard
Scoreboard = true
–Change “true” to “false” to disable the Voice Chat
VoiceChat = true
–Change the Float Value to change the default Voice Chat Proximity
VoiceChatProximity = 0.00 --In Meters, 0.00 means the whole Lobby
SettingsScoreboard = {
–Should the scoreboard draw wanted level?
[“WantedStars”] = true,
--Should the scoreboard draw player ID?
["PlayerID"] = true,
--Should the scoreboard draw voice indicator?
["VoiceIndicator"] = true,
--Display time in milliseconds
["DisplayTime"] = 5000,
--Keys that will activate the scoreboard.
--Change only the number value, NOT the 'true'
--Multiple keys can be used, simply add another row with another number
--See: https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php?title=Game_Controls
--MultiplayerInfo / Z
[20] = true,
--Detonate / G
--[47] = true,