Is there a way to disable certain menus like the player menu, or vehicle menu yet?
Please dm me your server.lua
I will add this with the next update
You have to delete what you don’t want to do so.
Use Steam or their license for now, you can get their license of steam ID, just check the server.lua
. I explained it there.
I was wondering how could I change the key. I went into controls.lua but I got no idea what to change but I found this Area in lua file but I got no idea of what numbers to change or to what other numbers. I have no idea what codes they are. Isnt ASCII
So if you could list the codes from
F1 to F12 that would be awesome.
With which button do you want it to open?
Preferably F11 because I dont think that is used. I have the Police Menu and so it takes the F5 button as well and when I press F5 is open the police menu and Toxic. I can only control toxic menu though
F11 is not possible, because that is no key used by the game by default.
Can anyone help me setup my kicking and banning system. Either with a easy resource or helping with my Database setup. Already have a database just not sure how to connect it and stuff. Thanks.
You can change this:
IsControlJustReleased(1, 166)
IsControlJustReleased(1, 288)
for F1
I don’t know if you can bind it to F11 tho. as per @Flatracer mention.
Please let me know if that helped.
Just Use my Trainer, EasyAdmin or Script something yourself
I do not want F1
I figured it out. I decided to use F7 after I found the correct code
I cant use F1 because Lambda Menu is assigned to F1
NoClip is assigned to F2
Map Teleport is assigned to F4
F5 is police menu
F6 is something
F7 was nothing but is now the Chemical Toxin
F8 is the console thing.
I did actually the same thing, I’m currently using F7 as well because its the most uncommon button to use.
Linux User.
- Blips is not working for me --> playerBlips = true and BlipsAndNamesOnlyForAdmins = true (i am admin)
- save outfits is not working for me --> Outfits saved, but the slots are empty. Also all the folders in the files folder are empty.
Thanks and best regards!
Is everything up to date?
Just perfect! Thanks for Sharing!!
Is working now … i had an plugin who blocked yours … sorry … perfect now ! Thanks and best regards!
I am glad it is working for you now too.
Anyway I have two questions.
Was it any plugin from the forum? If so, can you tell me which?
I have a shared fx server…it’s a private plugin i think (is a diferent plugin name)… but in the coding is this:
if DoesBlipExist(Blip) then
i disabled of course…
Edited: I searched on the forum and is something like this: [Release] Block Trainer Player Markers and Head Displays [Experimental]
Thank you for the feedback, that may help me improving the Trainer/ Menu
Is this used for GTA V single player or on Fivem Servers?