DISCONTINUED | Key Based K9 / Dog Animations

Standalone | Dog Animations V1.1.0

This resource should work on all frameworks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Purchase Here [$5.00]: Tebex

Ever wanted to do dog animations, but hated scrolling through a sometimes long and tedious menu? Well I have just the solution for you! This script works by using easy to remember keypresses to do animations. You can see all of the key and key combinations below! Works on controller too!

Key & Key Combinations:
Shift - Bark
Shift + Space - Jump / bark
Shift + Up - Jump / bark (less aggressive)
Shift + Down - Bark towards the ground (pin / hold person?)
CTRL - Sit
CTRL + Space - Lay down
Space + Up - Beg
Space + Left - 360 no scope of cuteness
Space + Down - Scratch
Space + Right - Shake / hold out right paw

For controller these keys would be the sprint, jump, and crouch equivalents. Up, Down, Left, and Right would be the DPad.

Configuration Options:
> Peds to allow these animations for.

Peds This Works With:
By default this script works with the Shepherd, Retriever, and Rottweiler. However you can add more to the list, the only downside is that they may not behave the same and some animations could look weird on different models.

Key Configuration Update v1.1.0

You can now edit the key configuration, however you cannot add additional combos at the moment. You can only edit key combos / keys that already exist.


All you have to do is view your config, and change the numbers which correspond to the control id. If you have any questions or concerns dont hesitate to let me know!

Note: Be careful when editing keys, as you may break controller functionality. If this is something youd like to keep make sure the control id you are changing something too has a controller button as well. You can see this in the Control IDs link provided in the config.

Code is accessible Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~150
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

Just bought it and its awesome and easy to use

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hey i recently bought the script and everything seems to work except my pug model. however. the sit and lay down doesnt work… do you have a fix for that?

Unfortunately I dont think smaller peds / dogs work very well with the animations I used. I could look into finding animations for the smaller peds, but im not too sure there are any good ones.

Okay and what about the CTRL thing? i cant do both of them

Could you explain further what you mean by you cant use it?

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if i press CTRL nothing happens. if i press CTRL + SPACE nothing happens. Same for all Dog models

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Are there any errors in F8 Console?
And do you have a script that may disable / restrict the usage of “INPUT_DUCK”?

If you have a script which causes your character to crouch when pressing CTRL, or the equivalent button on controller, this could interfere with the script.

yes i do have this. can you send me maybe an edited version with the key LEFT ALT?


Much appreciated

I will update the script later tonight, as I am busy at the moment. But ill see what I can do to make it possible to change the key configuration.

great thank you

please inform me about it because i dont have the asset in my keymaster. im just the dev for a server

Key Configuration Update v1.1.0

You can now edit the key configuration, however you cannot add additional combos at the moment. You can only edit key combos / keys that already exist.


All you have to do is view your config, and change the numbers which correspond to the control id. If you have any questions or concerns dont hesitate to let me know!

Note: Be careful when editing keys, as you may break controller functionality. If this is something youd like to keep make sure the control id you are changing something too has a controller button as well. You can see this in the Control IDs link provided in the config.

For previous customers, redownload this resource from keymaster. New customers will automatically receive this update.

This script only allows you to do animations, dogs by default should always be able to attack players.

I noticed a bug with this script, with the script installed since it uses the Shift key for some animations, it makes it so that the dog peds can no longer jog by tapping shift once, they can still run however jogging no longer works. I’ve tried changing the keybind but it still has the same issues.

has there been any update on a possible fix for this?