Disarm Mod? And Human Shield Hostage Mod?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to add mods found on Gta 5 Mods? For example

https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/disarm#description_tab - Disarm by shooting gun

https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/hostage-human-shield - Human Shield Mod


unless they include the source code you would have to remake the “mod” yourself.

This would be awsome, especially if it didn’t need scripthook

There is a tackle script i mean, You could possibly use that for a base, if they are near them instead of ragdolling their character have their character be dragged as well as do the animation of being a hostage disable their buttons and have your character do the animation of having a gun to their head… its a thought

I’ve almost got this to work on my server. Will post back if I can get it to work clean


any news about?