Disable "press E to" help

Hi! I’m running a roleplay server and lots of us get annoying about this “Press E to access/open” or whatever it now says (and that stupid sound thats makes that “pling” everytime you need to press), it’s ruining the RP and I have search everywhere about this to disable this but no help anyware what i have found.

Do I need to disable it on one place in like es_extended or every script that i got?

So if there is someone who could tell me where or how to disable this it would mean very much to me and our community!

I’m using Essentialmode 5 with es_extended if that help you.
We will be greatful for all help :slight_smile:


Pretty sure there is no way.

There is, it is in es_extended itself.

Just what I thought, but don’t know where to find it :confused:

You can not remove it easily.
To do this you need to look for the function “DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel (0, 0, 1, -1)”
and comment it or delete it. (esx_atm_cl.lua, esx_barbershop / client / main.lua …).

If you update the script you will have to delete it again.

Sorry for my bad english :sweat:

no problem about you english, I understod. thx for helping, will test it later :slight_smile:

tried out and it works. but… My street label disappear and some other text that i didn’t do something with :frowning:

I found something here about this what @Woulf_Alpha was talking about, maybe it could be something here but not really sure :confused:

I search through the files and found “DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel” on 2 places.

How to have the press E option on the server