Disable parachute for players

Im wanting to disable the parachute players are given (i’m not sure if it’s when they get into a plane or just from free falling) but I still want players to be able to use them in their roleplay with flight services or from buying a framework inventory parachute item etc.

I’ve seen this native: SetAutoGiveParachuteWhenEnterPlane but not sure if im heading down the right road?

that should work. I’m not sure if it requires the PlayerId() or PlayerPedId(). Probably the latter tho.
I suggest toggling it to false on player spawn.

edit: Now that I think about it…I don’t think players receive any parachutes by default, because a while back I had to code that myself, this is probably set in another script.

Ahh right. Hmm I might have to do some searching, do you think this native will be used to give in another script? I did a search for para and parachute to see if I could spot anything. Nothing came up really.

you can also give players parachutes using “GiveWeaponToPed()”. The parachute is “gadget_parachute”

Yeah we have a job that does flight services (skydiving etc) on a RP server running qb-core, the item you get from the employees using a storage stash type system at the job location they give to players, but not sure if using a native will remove these from inventory and/or when they try to use them lol.

Ahhh found it, was a pesky mini script in a scenario blocker I had.