Disable Friendly Fire while aiming

Can someone help me? I want to create a script.
If someone aims with a specific weapon on a player or the players vehicle the local player who is aiming should not he able to shoot at the player/ vehicle.
Like the same, you cannot shoot on story characters in GTAV if you aim on them.

Hi there,

I still have something older, maybe you can use it and improve it!

client.lua file:

local blacklist = {}

-- Add the entities you want to blacklist here
blacklist["prop_traffic_03a"] = true
blacklist["t20"] = true

    local sleep = 0

    while true do
        local pId = PlayerId()
        local isAiming, targetPed = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(pId)
        if isAiming then
            local archetypeName = GetEntityModel(targetPed)

            if blacklist[archetypeName] then
                DisablePlayerFiring(pId, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 24, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 92,  true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 142, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 223, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 229, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 257, true)
                DisableControlAction(0, 346, true)


Thanks it works!

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