Disable forced paging for Keymaster Granted Assets

Forced pagination without providing any sort of search functionality is a huge step backwards. If you have more than ~50 assets you will be flipping through pages and pages looking for the specific asset you need. Trading one expensive query (return all results) for 20 slightly less expensive queries is a pretty strange decision. I believe most folks would appreciate any effort to increase keymaster performance but this ain’t it. Hit the CTRL+Z on that change and work on the dark mode theme please.

This is the type of feedback nobody wants. It doesn’t propose any solution other than “revert it”.
You are clearing seeing the benefit in performance this has.
20 less expensive queries are spread over time, it’s easier to manage on any backend.

Previously, the keymaster assets page took WAY TOO LONG to load, and they are probably experimenting about performance by doing these type of modification.

I agree a search bar could be a nice addition, but let them experiment and give appropriate feedback about how they could do better, without guilt-tripping them.

Also, just download DarkReader, it works fine on any Keymaster pages until they create a proper dark theme.

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I am not a fan of the new paging on keymaster. I have way too many assets on there to click through over 20 pages of them to find the one I want. Now I have to spend more time scrolling pages to find what I want and that is not something I ever wished for.

I understand doing it for optimization but give us a search feature at least. Think about usability while you are making optimization’s to things.

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I see they added a search feature! If anyone is watching, thanks for that!!

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