Disable Discord Rich Presence toggle option

Not everyone wants to have the Discord Rich Presence while playing FiveM, so there should be a setting toggle to turn it off. In Discord you can’t disable Rich Presence per game so it forces you to choose between no Rich Presence at all or always on unless you want to manually toggle each time (which is annoying).

I have read other posts on the same topic but I don’t understand why this suggestion is always brushed off…

In my opinion, this feature should be on Discord’s end.

Wasn’t this a thing at some point? I recall having to add the game to the game manager to get rich presence data to even show up in the first place, but maybe that (as seen in the other topic, which wasn’t ‘brushed off’ but closed as it was already solved at the time) was a bug in Discord.

Anyway, yeah this could definitely be added.

Discord Settings > Activity Privacy > Turn off top option.

as described in my original post, this is exactly what I and other users do not want.

In Discord you can’t disable Rich Presence per game so it forces you to choose between no Rich Presence at all or always on unless you want to manually toggle each time (which is annoying).

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(I don’t know if it is a little late to react to this, I’m sorry if this counts as necro)
If it’s on discord’s end, why does the rich presence/activity literally show on which server I am?
I know that I posted a topic like this some time ago but this is quite annoying.
I want to show other activities instead of fivem, heck I don’t want to go to discord settings and turn of activity status every time I play on fivem :
I have a good understanding of how the rich presence works, and it seems that FiveM is forcing their way into discord’s, it’s not even listed in games, just like how one of the apps work that I use.

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I’d like a feature as this. I’ve come across servers that include annoying advertising in their rich presence, which I’d rather not show in my discord status.

I have quite some questions on this:

Should you just be able to suppress the servers custom rich presence and still show i.e “Playing FiveM…” or should this option completly disable the rich presence?

I think the first option is the way to go.
I’m interested on your opinion on this, as I may want to implement this and make a PR.

The first option is a good way to handle this. I would also make it so that server names get hidden in that presence as well to ensure privacy.

As an example: take Minecraft. When you play that the Discord presence only shows “Minecraft”. No specific information like game mode or multiplayer server. Only when you install a mod to show this for you it becomes similar to the rich presence status most FiveM/RedM servers use.

As for completely disabling the status: I think when a game gets added properly to Discord’s game activity list (not sure if that happens now due to the app ID changing constantly), you can simply remove it through there to prevent it from showing up. As far as I know most games out there do not provide an option to disable their Discord presence entirely, so leaving a default “FiveM” presence would be fine in my opinion.

I don’t have any experience with C/C++, but if you need some help implementing or discussing how to implement it feel free to message me!

Added with feat(discord): user toggle for rich presence · citizenfx/fivem@132a019 · GitHub

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Thanks for this!

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